Pape Cheikh Sarr

Host institution : University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD), Senegal

Project title: Genetic and metabolic resistance to insecticides in An. arabiensis and An. melas populations and their role in malaria transmission in the Hotspot areas of Senegal.


Pape Cheikh Sarr completed his academic training at the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. First of all, in 2011, he followed bachelor courses in Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences (BCGS) at the Faculty of Science and Technology in UCAD. In 2014, Pape Cheikh graduated with a bachelor's degree in Animal Biology. In 2017, he was selected by the Department of Animal Biology for a Master's degree in Entomology. After regularly attending classes, Pape Cheikh completed an internship at the Laboratory of Vector and Parasite Ecology of UCAD in 2017 thanks to funding from MARCAD program (MARCAD-like). His research topic was focused on the prevalence of Kdr West, Kdr East, and Ace-1 mutations in aggressive and endophilic populations of An. arabiensis and An. melas in residual malaria transmission area in west-central Senegal. This master's internship gave him the opportunity to participate in several scientific meetings, where he presented the results of his work in oral presentations and posters. Thus, Pape Cheikh Sarr participated in the 7th Pan-African Conference of the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) in 2018 and the DELTA Africa (Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training, and Science in Africa) scientific conference on malaria in 2019, with respective presentations on "the prevalence of kdr genes in aggressive and endophilic populations of An. gambiae s.l in west-central Senegal" and "insecticide susceptibility of brackish water strains of An. melas in an area of residual malaria transmission".

In 2018, he also participated in the international course on malaria elimination organized by the MARCAD program. In January 2019, he defended his master's thesis in entomology, with honors. After my Master's degree, Pape Cheikh was selected by the WANETAM program for a six-month internship at the MRC, unit the Gambia at LSHTM. The results of his Master's degree and the work he did at the MRC unit The Gambia have been valorized through publication of seven papers in leading scientific journals. In 2023, Pape Cheikh was selected for the PhD entomology fellowship in the Marcad-Plus consortium. Residual malaria is a current issue in Senegal, with eligible areas for elimination. He intends to continue his work in this field to provide scientific data that will enable the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to make informed decisions in their vector control strategies targeting low transmission areas.


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MARCAD Consortium Secretariat
Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal

BP : 5005, Dakar-Fann (Sénégal)
Tél : +221 33 825 19 98
Fax : +221 33 825 36 68 
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