Angela Nana Esi ACKON

Host institution : University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana

Project title: Assessing the health system’s effectiveness and readiness towards the control of malaria in pregnancy


Angela Nana Esi Ackon is currently a PhD student at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana as a beneficiary of MARCAD Plus PhD fellowship. She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health and a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration. She has previously worked as research assistant on public health projects and as data analyst. Her PhD research seeks to assess the effectiveness and readiness of the health system in the Volta region of Ghana towards malaria in pregnancy control. As part of her research, she will utilise the World Health Organisation’s Services Availability and Readiness Assessment methodology as well Carroll’s Conceptual Framework for Implementation Fidelity. Very limited research has been conducted in Ghana using these methodologies and Angela Nana therefore intends to leverage on the skills acquired using these methodologies upon the completion of her PhD and apply these same tools in other aspects of healthcare as she aims to become a health policy consultant and an independent researcher. Her research interests include malaria, malaria in pregnancy, health policy, health financing, neglected tropical diseases and non-communicable diseases.


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University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal

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