Bernardino Silva Semedo

Host institution : Bandim Health Project, Bissau Guinea

Project title: Effectiveness of different malaria control interventions in Guinea-Bissau


Bernardino Silva Semedo is Guinean, born in Bissau on September 5, 1993. He currently resides in the São Paulo neighborhood. From an early age, he showed a great interest in the field of Medicine, which motivated him to pursue a career in this field.

His academic journey began in 2012, when Bernardino attended the 10th year of the course at the former Amílcar Cabral University in Bairro de Ajuda. In 2016, he completed his training in Higher Nursing at the Lusófona University of Guinea.

After graduating, he worked in the Emergency Department at Hospital Nacional Simão Mendes and in the Orthopedics Service of the same hospital. At the same time, he completed an internship at the Department of Health Services and Public Hygiene of the Ministry of Health, where he gained valuable practical experience and a comprehensive view of public health.

Bernardino Silva participated in several training activities during his career, including seminars and workshops focused on public health issues. 2018 after a rigorous selection process, he was selected for the Master's Course in Tropical Health at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, which he completed in 2020.

Bernardino currently works as a Senior Technician at the National Institute of Public Health (INASA), where he is also a researcher at the Bandim Health Project and at the Center for Studies and Research. In addition to his responsibilities at INASA, he also carries out academic activities as a professor at the Lusófona University of Guinea.

Bernardino professional and academic trajectory reflects his commitment to public health and education, areas in which he continues to dedicate himself with passion and dedication. He is determined to contribute to improving health in Guinea-Bissau and promoting knowledge through research and education.


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MARCAD Consortium Secretariat
Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal

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