African Patners


Projecto de Saúde Bandim
Apartado 861
1004 Bissau Codex
Phone: +245 966620077

The Bandim Health Project was established in 1978 to understand the reasons for the high mortality among children in Guinea-Bissau.

An extremely high under-five mortality rate (around 500/1000 person-years) prompted the Ministry of Health with partners to organize a study to define nutritional priorities in preventive health care. A nutrition and child-health study was initiated, and a census was carried out in the suburb Bandim, with a subsequent anthropometric survey and organization of antenatal care. This became the basis for the ongoing registration of the population in the Bandim suburb. Later, the project grew, first including also the suburb Belem, later Mindara and Cuntum. In 1990, the rural areas were included. The project is the oldest of its kind in Africa, and one of the largest, covering now ~100,000 individuals in the urban study area and a corresponding number in the rural areas. The BHP with its HDSS in both urban and rural areas will contribute to long term follow up of intervention’s impact in Guinee Bissau.

Guinea-Bissau- BHP's research areas/topics in Malaria & NTDs (Schisto & STH)

CHEMOPREVENTION: Intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (IPTp), seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), and interventions with the potential of reducing the malaria burden, e.g., mass drug administration (MDA), reactive treatment, and mass testing and treatment (MTAT). The main questions could include improving the coverage, evaluating the impact, including possible combinations of drugs, evaluating the impact among school-age children and adolescents, and integration with interventions against NTDs.

VECTOR CONTROL: Efficacy of new control tools, including new insecticides used in combination.

MALARIA SURVEILLANCE: Monitoring transmission intensity using not only malaria prevalence and entomological parameters but also exploring the genetic (human and parasites) and serologic data by comparison of various groups (community, treatment-seeking, vulnerable groups) in different transmission settings to determine the prevalence of infection, risks, and exposure to malaria infections;

Establishment of a surveillance system for monitoring drug resistance profile and efficacy of first-line treatments.

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