Biotechnology Centre (BTC)
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University of Yaounde 1
Founded in 1986, the Biotechnology Centre (BTC) of the University of Yaounde hosts Scientists at the Higher Teacher Training Institute, the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the Faculty of Science of the University of Yaoundé I.
The BTC runs projects in plant and animal biotechnology, in human immune responses in disease endemic countries, and hosts the International Centre for Development Research that investigates pregnancy-associated and neonatal immunity in Malaria (co-funded by NIH and WHO). BTC has recently obtained grants from the IAEA, European Union, and Gates Malaria Partnership, to conduct clinical trials on current and new anti-malarial drugs. The goal of BTC is to carry out experimental research to support policy making and for the promotion of excellence in science.
The overall stated objective of the Center is to serve as center of Excellence for research and training in Biotechnology, and particularly with the application of modern biotechnology to the investigation of tropical disease pathogens .The center with its laboratories for Public Health Biotechnology, Immunology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vector biology and control will research on different malaria areas such as Testing of new vector control tools Modeling Optimal Configurations of Interventions for Cost-Effective Malaria Elimination, Pharmacological Indices during MDA in co-endemicities with NCDs & NTDs , Pharmaco-genomics: Mapping of the Evolution of Markers of Resistance and Human responses/adverse drug. The center has produced over 80 graduates with doctoral degrees and hundreds with MD and Master degrees.
LAPHER BIOTECH – UoYI Research & Training programme
Post Doc
Further information on these projects can be found by visiting the BTC website:
MARCAD Consortium Secretariat
Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal