Riam Salimato

Host institution: The Bandim Health Project, Bissau-Guinea

Project title: Resistance of Anopheles malaria vectors to insecticides.


Riam Salimato Baldé is a biologist currently working at the National Public Health Laboratory in the Tuberculosis section in Bissau, where she is responsible for laboratory quality management. Throughout her professional journey, Riam has had the opportunity to engage in a variety of scientific research projects, notably collaborating with the Molecular Biology Jean Piaget Institute of Bissau during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This experience honed her skills in both molecular biology and infectious disease research, especially in response to global health challenges. In addition to her role in quality management, she actively participates in the supervision and quality control of laboratories across the national network, ensuring that high standards are maintained throughout Guinea-Bissau’s public health system.

As a MARCAD Plus Fellow, she aims to further her academic development by focusing on her master’s project, which centers on understanding insecticide resistance in Guinea-Bissau. Given the persistent public health burden that malaria poses in the country, despite the widespread use of insecticide-treated bed nets, Riam is particularly motivated to explore the resistance of Anopheles malaria vectors to insecticides. This type of research has yet to be thoroughly conducted in Guinea-Bissau, but she believes that it is critically needed to strengthen malaria control efforts and reduce the disease's impact on the population.


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