George Vifah

Host institution : University of Health and allied Sciences, Ho

Project title: Rural-urban differentials in the prevalence and treatment seeking behavior regarding malaria among caregivers of children under five years in Ghana.


Mr. George Vifah obtained a bachelor’s degree in public health (Health Information) from the University of Health and Allied Sciences, UHAS, from 2018-2022. He attended the Dzodze-Penyi Senior High School from 2014 to 2017 where he obtained his Senior High School Certificate. He is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology and Disease Control at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, UHAS. His research interest is in malaria in children under five years. He is passionate about issues of public health concerning malaria, especially in children aged below five years, with the key focus on looking at what works best in achieving maximum impact in promoting public health.

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Telephone number: +233540711831/+233501474449


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