Sorie Ibrahim Osman Bangura

Host institution : College Of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Sierra Leone

Project title : Characterization of antigenic properties of Plasmodium falciparum in Sierra Leone 


Sorie Ibrahim Osman Bangura was born in a small village named Kamalo in PortLoko district, in the northern part of Sierra Leone. He was born 24th November,1990. His parents were farmers. He started school in the capital city of Sierra Leone, Freetown when his parents migrated. Sorie got admitted into the University (College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences) in 2011/12 for diploma in Medical Laboratory sciences. He got admitted into the BSc program immediately he was introduced and become part of the first set of medical laboratory scientists with a bachelor’s degree in medical laboratory sciences.

 Sorie Ibrahim graduated in 2019 and as Best graduating student in Hematology and Chemical pathology.

He got employed in the Ministry of Health and has been working as lead for the microbiology department at the Sierra Leone teaching hospital complex-Connaught referral hospital. Microbiology is his passion and he likes working with bacteria and parasites. Sorie has also been working as a part-time lecturer at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences – handling Parasitology and bacteriology. He has been interested in research.  


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