Host institution: The Bandim Health Project, Bissau-Guinea

Project title: Malaria genotyping 


Adul Candé was born in the capital Bissau/Guinée-Bissau, located on the West Coast of Africa. He started his basic primary education in one of the reference private schools at the time, where Adul studied until his 6th year of schooling, thus finishing the basic cycle. The following year He moved to a public school due to the death of his father, who financially supported his studies. From then on, his mother had to find a job to support Adul studies at school, along with his siblings. Two years after finishing his twelfth year, he entered Jean Piaget University, where Adul finished his degree in Biomedicine with an average of 15.

Professional Experience

2018- Participation in the screening campaign for cervical cancer caused by HPV by the Jean Piaget University in collaboration with the HNSM Maternal and Child Center, both in the collection as well as PCR for diagnosis of human papilloma virus;

2019 – Participation in HIV genotyping for antiretroviral therapy monitoring;

2019/2020 - Participation in the diagnosis of covid19, through the PCR method of Molecular Biology at Jean Piaget University.


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MARCAD Consortium Secretariat
Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal

BP : 5005, Dakar-Fann (Sénégal)
Tél : +221 33 825 19 98
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