WANETAM2 Entomology Training Workshop in The Gambia

The first Entomology Training Workshop was held in The Gambia at MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM from 27th August to 6th September 2018 under the umbrella of The West African Network of Excellence for TB, AIDS and Malaria (WANETAM-2). The WANETAM-2 package is a collaborative project that aim to build research capacity in TB, AIDS and Malaria for partner institutions. The MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM under Professor Umberto D’Alessandro leads the malaria component of the project.

Read more: WANETAM2 Entomology Training Workshop in The Gambia

Congratulations to the MARCAD partner, Prof. Mbacham Fon Wilfred, 2017 winner of the World Academy of Sciences Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa (TWAS-ROSSA) Award.

The 2017 winner of the World Academy of Sciences Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa (TWAS-ROSSA) Award is  the MARCAD partener, Prof. Mbacham Fon Wilfred of the University of Yaoundé I decided on by the Selection Committee appointed by the TWAS-ROSSA  office and endorsed by the TWAS office in Trieste, Italy.

Read more: Congratulations to the MARCAD partner, Prof. Mbacham Fon Wilfred, 2017 winner of the World Academy...


The Malaria Research Capacity Development Consortium (MARCAD) seeks to train a core group of African scientists in West and Central Africa who will be able to provide relevant answers for the control and elimination of malaria. One PhD and two post-docs fellows are hosted at each partner institution across five African countries (Mali, The Gambia, Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal).

The University Cheikh Anta Diop UCAD, Senegal (Prof O. Gaye) leads the Consortium which includes USTTB, Mali (Prof OK. Doumbo); MRC, The Gambia (Prof U. D'Alessandro); UY1, Cameroon (Prof W. Mbacham) and UHAS, Ghana (Prof HK. Tagbor). Three European institutions collaborate in this programme: LSHTM-UK, LSTM-UK and UoC, Denmark.

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students are integrated into established research teams with senior scientists in participating institutions within a stimulated research environment. Strong mentorship from leading scientists is provided.

Main malaria research areas covered by the programme: parasite & vector resistance, immunology and molecular biology, changing epidemiology profile, interruption of transmission, changing behaviours, social sciences.

The programme is managed by a Steering Committee assisted by a Research Committee and an Advisory Board. MARCAD is committed to support women and provide high quality research contributing to the translation into policy and practice.

Name and Email of primary contact : Prof Oumar Gaye This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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MARCAD Consortium Secretariat
Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, Senegal

BP : 5005, Dakar-Fann (Sénégal)
Tél : +221 33 825 19 98
Fax : +221 33 825 36 68 
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